Young Geoscientists Council


SURVEY – PhD & Junior Researcher-Lecturer

Two years ago, we conducted a survey to see if we could improve your time here at Geosciences. The results were shared with the Graduate School of Geosciences, and they took action on them. One example of an improvement thanks to your feedback are the changes made in the Integrity course. On top of that, all matters regarding the PhD trajectory are now gathered on one website:

This year, we would like to repeat the survey to see if new action points arise, and what we could do to continue to improve the Graduate School. Please take 5-10 minutes to fill in this survey. We use the secured web page of Formdesk, and all the results will be processed anonymously! The PhD council will create a report with the results from this survey and use this to support their claims regarding issues that should be addressed by the Graduate School of Geosciences. Please click the following link to fill in the survey:

Make sure you fill in on time because the deadline is the 1st of December!