Young Geoscientists Council


PhD Council Newsletter February 2019

Dear PhD candidates, Junior Teachers and Junior Researchers of the faculty of Geosciences,


We hope you all have had a good start to the new year! We, the PhD Council for Geosciences would like to bring to your attention upcoming activities during the coming months.


PhD Survey Results with Lunch

Last autumn, the PhD council held a survey among all of you, about your satisfaction level with the building/canteen/supervision etc. On the 26th of February, the PhD council will present the results of this PhD survey and will also provide a free (!) lunch. If you are interested in the results of the survey and/or have other points to discuss please register for the event by clicking on the link: [registration closed].


We would really appreciate your input!

Be sure to subscribe before 22nd  of February, so we can arrange the lunch. There are only 30 places available, so we advise you to register early if you want to be sure of a spot.

Location: VM1.04

Time: 12.30 – 13.30



Save the Date: PhD Day

In the afternoon of Tuesday the 7th of Maythe PhD council will host its annual PhD day! On this day, we will have a keynote lecture on perfectionism and ambition, workshops related to Time Management, Art of Presenting , Working outside Academia (insights from alumni) etc. and dinner. Further details regarding the keynote speaker, description of workshops  and registration for the event will follow within the coming two months.


PhD Courses

Utrecht University offers a variety of courses and workshops to PhD candidates, Junior teachers and researchers to improve their research skills and aid them during their research activities.  Apart from course on “Maintaining Scientific Integrity” and “Research Writing” (which most employees are well aware of), the University also offers courses and workshops on programming (eg: R) and  data management tools and techniques.

Follow the link to view and register for  the latest workshops offered or


Python Workshop

Odysseas Tsafarkis, a colleague of the E&R group from the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, has volunteered to provide an introductory course on Python. Please send a response (latest by 19th February) to the email address if you are interested in registering for the course. The course will have a maximum capacity of 30 .

Location: Vening Meinesz, room 1.02

Date and Time: 20th February, 201915:00 to 18:00.


FREE film screening event “Natura Urbana-The Brachen of Berlin”

Our colleague Valentin Meilinger has helped organize a film screening event. Those interested can read the short description below and click on the link for more detailed information.


Date: Tuesday, 26-02-2019, 19:00
Location: Het Ketelhuis, Westergasfabriek, Pazzanistraat 4, Amsterdam

The documentary by Prof. Mathew Gandy (Cambridge University) explores the spontaneous diversity of plants in Berlin’s urban wastelands to illuminate the city’s complex history through the post-war period until the contemporary era.



Best wishes,


The PhD council for Geosciences


Human Geography and Spatial Planning

* Karin Snel

* Valentin Meilinger


Physical Geography

* Laura Brakenhoff


Earth Sciences

* Mădălina Vîtă


Sustainable Development

* Laura van Oers

* Anand Krishnan